Understanding Velocity Charts in Scrum and Agile

A nifty little tool to visualize your team’s progress and plan for future Sprints

Arpit Singla
4 min readApr 4, 2024


Hey there, fellow business analysts! Ever felt like you’re running a project marathon, constantly gauging your team’s pace and workload? Agile methodologies like Scrum can be fantastic for keeping things moving, but sometimes it’s tough to predict just how much ground you can cover. That’s where velocity charts come in — a nifty little tool to visualize your team’s progress and plan for future Sprints.

Let’s break it down into bite-sized pieces, shall we?

Sprint Savvy: Your Team’s Short Bursts of Work

Imagine a project as a giant mountain you need to climb. Scrum tackles this mountain in smaller chunks called Sprints — think of them as manageable climbs you conquer one at a time. These Sprints are typically 1–4 weeks long, giving your team a focused timeframe to complete a set of tasks.

Story Points: Sizing Up the Work (Without the Ruler)

Now, how do you measure the “work” within each Sprint? Forget about hours or days — Agile uses a concept called story points. These are relative estimates of effort, like a difficulty rating for each task. A simple bug fix might be 1 story point, while designing a whole new feature could be 8 story points. It’s all about complexity, not actual time spent.

Introducing Velocity: Your Team’s Work Marathon Pace

Here’s where things get interesting. Velocity, in Scrum, refers to the average amount of work your team completes in a Sprint, measured in story points. Think of it like your team’s average pace during a marathon — some Sprints they might crush it and finish strong (high velocity), while others might encounter unexpected challenges and complete less work (lower velocity).

The Velocity Chart: Your Visual Roadmap

Now comes the magic — the velocity chart! It’s a graph with two axes:

  • Y-axis (vertical): This shows the number of story points (work) your team completed.
  • X-axis (horizontal): This represents each Sprint you’ve tackled.

Each Sprint gets its own bar on the chart, showing how many story points your team finished in that timeframe. Over time, as you complete more Sprints, the chart starts to tell a story. Are the bars getting consistently higher? That’s a good sign, indicating your team’s getting faster and more efficient. Maybe there are some Sprints with lower bars — that could be due to unforeseen obstacles or a more complex set of tasks.

Benefits of the Velocity Chart: More Than Just a Pretty Graph

So, why bother with a velocity chart? Here’s why it’s a valuable tool in your Agile arsenal:

  • Predicting the Future (Sort Of): By analyzing past velocity, you can make informed guesses about how much work your team can realistically complete in future Sprints. This helps avoid over-committing and setting yourselves up for failure. Think of it like planning your next marathon route based on your previous performance — you wouldn’t aim to climb Mount Everest after a leisurely stroll in the park, right?
  • Spotting Trends and Identifying Roadblocks: The chart can reveal trends in your team’s performance. Are they consistently hitting or exceeding goals? Or are there dips that need investigation? Maybe a new team member is still getting acclimated, or a specific type of task is proving trickier than anticipated. By identifying these trends, you can address potential roadblocks and keep your team moving smoothly.
  • Communication is Key: A velocity chart is a fantastic communication tool. It provides a clear visual representation of your team’s progress for stakeholders and keeps everyone on the same page.

Example Time!

Let’s paint a picture with an example. Imagine you’re leading a team developing a new e-commerce app. Here’s how a velocity chart might play out:

  • Sprint 1: The team tackles basic functionalities like product listings and a shopping cart. They complete user stories totaling 15 story points.
  • Sprint 2: They move on to the checkout process and payment integration, which is more complex. They finish user stories worth 12 story points.
  • Sprint 3: Now they’re building the user profile section and order tracking. This is a bit more straightforward, and they complete 18 story points.

Your velocity chart would show three bars:

  • Sprint 1: 15 points
  • Sprint 2: 12 points
  • Sprint 3: 18 points

Looking at this chart, you can see some variation in velocity. Maybe Sprint 2 had some integration complexities, while Sprint 3 was more streamlined. This information helps you plan for the next Sprint. If the average velocity is around 15 points, you can use this information to estimate how much work you can realistically accomplish in upcoming Sprints.

REMEMBER, velocity charts are a guide, not a guarantee. There will always be variations in a team’s performance due to unforeseen challenges or changes in priorities. However, by tracking velocity over time, you can gain valuable insights into your team’s capabilities and make more informed decisions about project planning and resource allocation.

Additional Considerations

  • Team Size and Composition: The size and composition of your team can impact velocity. A larger team with more experience may have a higher velocity than a smaller or less experienced team.
  • Task Complexity: The complexity of the tasks involved in each sprint will also affect velocity. More complex tasks will require more story points.
  • External Dependencies: If a sprint relies on external factors, such as the availability of a third-party API, this can introduce uncertainty and potentially slow down progress.

By keeping these considerations in mind, you can use velocity charts more effectively to improve your Agile project management practices.

Hope that helped 😊

